Tea Time

February 8, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

It's amazing how much a cup of tea can improve my disposition at work. It's been a busy day--a busy couple of days actually--and an hour ago I was counting down the minutes until I could split. I was starting to fade a bit and decided on a cup of tea and a snack. Now I'm sipping peppermint tea and chugging along through my work, happily enough that here I am at quitting time and I've decided to bank an extra half hour and finish up this project I'm working on.

Futile Fridays

February 3, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

It's February. It's Friday. No one seems to want to work. The recently located Star Wars quiz (see previous blog) has inspired a round of Star Wars forwards around the office, meanwhile, in an entirely different galaxy, my friends are emailing around questions like who would win in a fist fight, Data or Spock? My money's on Data, for the record.

The Disney/Pixar Thing

January 25, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

So it's out and official. Disney bought Pixar at the bargain price of $7.4 billion and Jobs nabbed himself 7% of the Walt Disney Company and a seat on the board of directors. Stock brokers are doing tap dances up and down wall street and the internet is awash with rupturous blogs on all sides of the argument.

The Nerd Button, and Other Family Lore

January 21, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Last weekend I watched my aunt button up her granddaughter's coat. When she got to the bottom she realized that she had misaligned the buttons and had to start over. My parents stood by watching this and Dad called out to my young cousin, "Uh oh, Grandma buttoned your nerd button." My face lit up beside him.

"Nerd button! I had forgotten all about the nerd button!" My father looked a little shocked.

"How could you have forgotten the nerd button?"

Wednesday Ramble

January 11, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

I've made it through one full week back at the ballet studio after the holiday break. My instructor came back full of energy and ideas and she's stepped up the difficulty level in all her classes. After observing the change on Thursday and Saturday, I was truly afraid for last night's Intermediate II class. I made it through alright though. As per usual, if I'm feeling conflicted about something in my life, then chuck some dance at me. Our recital piece this year will be a petit allegro (read: lots of jumping) to a Vivaldi piece. That woman has a serious crush on Vivaldi.


January 9, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Sorry I've been missing in action for the past few weeks. The latest edition of The Crow is due on bookstore shelves on the 15th, so after ringing in the New Year with a few friends, I got back to work, trying to meet my deadline. It's at the printers now and thus out of my hands. With luck, I might get my copies on Friday. (A quick glance at my calendar just informed me that this Friday is Friday the 13th.

Home Again

December 30, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

So I'm back from my Christmas adventures. We did a few days with my folks in Napa and a few with Shawn's in Santa Cruz. That's what we've been calling "running the family gauntlet" around my office. A pleasant time all around.

Here We Come A-Wassailing...

December 20, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Friday night found me Christmas caroling with a knot of friends in the chilly night air. We were wrapped up in scarfs and coats and cloaks, gripping our song books through gloves and mittens. No doubt we looked a little like the blow-up snowmen and penguins that bedecked my neighbors' lawns.


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