Good Day Sunshine

April 13, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine

I need to laugh
And when the sun is out
I got something I can laugh about
I feel good
In a special way
I'm in love and it's a sunny day

Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
-John Lennon and Paul McCartney, The Beatles


April 6, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

This is the second time in a week that I've almost hit a turkey on the way to work. By "turkey," I don't mean a person who lacks competence in the operation of a motorized vehicle. I mean a large bird of the genus meleagris that goes gobble gobble.

Last week there was a group of turkeys (which I just learned is called a "rafter") foraging in the grass along side I-80 south of campus. This morning, there was a hen hanging out on the off-ramp coming into Dixon.

Coming Soon

March 28, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Don't you hate "Coming Soon" signs? Okay, "hate" is a strong word, but they're definitely irritating. They provide very little information. How about "Coming Next Week" or "Hopefully Coming By The Beginning Of Summer" or even "We're Working On It But Honestly We Don't Know When It's Going To Be Done." At least that gives you something. But what's soon?

Dreary Monday

March 27, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Forgot my wallet.
Gas tank indicator is on empty.
My tea ball came unclasped and my cup is full of swimming leaves.
It's Monday.

It's cloudy outside. It's going to rain, but not yet. It's going to be dreary for awhile first for no reason, just to let me think about it some before it gets going. It's that kind of day.

I don't really mind the rain. But if you're going to do it, get on with it. This saturated waiting period is depressing and useless.


March 16, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

I used to listen to 100.5 FM a lot. It's a Sacramento radio station that does what a buddy of mine calls "mainstream alternative." It's 1 of 5 stations on my presets in my car. The music selection is passably good and the morning guys are funny.


March 13, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

I want to recommend a film to you. Pull up your Netflix account and drop MirrorMask into your queue. MirrorMask is what the Henson kids are up to now that they're not making muppet movies anymore, and though it's almost entirely computer animated, fans of The Dark Crystal should see this film.

Peppermint Patties

February 28, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Does anyone remember that peppermint patty commercial that ran when we were kids? There was a guy and his wife sitting on the couch and he began describing how when he bit into a peppermint patty he felt like he was skiing. And then he gets up and demonstrates how it feels, pretending to be an Olympic ski jumper on his coffee table while his wife looks at him like he's nuts. Does anyone remember this?

Get Out of the Way and Let the Man Dance

February 14, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

I love watching men dance. Male ballet dancers are rare at the amateur level. When I first started taking ballet a few years back, we had a boy in our class and I was fascinated to watch how the same steps that looked graceful and delicate on the female form, looked totally different when performed by a male. It wasn't a deliberate change in presence. The steps were not altered in anyway. Our two body types are simply constructed differently and we carry our muscles in different ways. The distinction is markedly obvious when you push your body.

No Cookie

February 10, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

I just got this email from a friend with an invitation. Hey guys, come over tonight and watch a movie. Maybe I'll bake something. Which starts me thinking. Mmm...baked goods. Do you know what sounds good? A cookie. I could really go for a cookie. Something warm and gooey out of the oven. Wow, that sounds good. It might even make the rest of work seem bearable.

All day I've wanted to be at home, curled up on the sunny spot on the living room carpet, where undoubtedly at least one of my cats is at this moment in time.

That, and this cookie. That would do it.


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