Some Geeks Have Too Much Time on Their Hands

January 17, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

So the first round of Volume 2 of The Crow has been distributed, the Bird costume for Peter and the Wolf is half way there and I've taken on yet another project to form the complete soundtrack to Fraggle Rock. . . but just while I'm researching the colonial dress I'm planning on making even though I have absolutely no place to wear it.

Hey, I'm still pinning for the first disc of Season 2 of BSG (which Netflix has yet to ship to me - grumble grumble) so I've got to fill the hours with something.

So what if I enjoy the odd silly project? I'm not the only one. The internet abounds with fun little gems that take a few minutes to watch but hours and hours of labor to produce. Check this out. Proof that some geeks have too much time on their hands, bless their little artificial hearts.

Of course, without geeks like these, how would I get though my Tuesday morning?

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