A Good Yarn

March 13, 2007 - 9:53am -- swingbug

A few days ago, an old friend from a book popped into my head and started kicking up dust. I found myself in front of my bookshelves soon after, thumbing through the fantasy and science fiction section (an admittedly large portion of the books in our household fall into this category) until I found the proper volume, cracked it open, and found my friend there waiting for me. “I’ll just read a few pages,” I told myself. “Just a short visit.”

Poodle Cut

March 6, 2007 - 4:43pm -- swingbug

Ben came in nursing a limp tail last night. It was still flying at half mast this morning so I called the vet.

When Ben doesn’t feel well, he takes to sleeping in strange places. I’ll come around the corner and find him sleeping against the wrong wall or under an uncustomary chair, maybe the wrong side of the bed. It’s funny that we’d even notice such a thing, but of course we do. By mid-afternoon he was getting positively cuddly with me. “Okay,” I told him. “Now I know something’s not right.”


February 19, 2007 - 10:35am -- swingbug

Last week was a rough week for Luke. He cut two teeth and had an appointment with the pediatrician involving another round of vaccinations. While waiting for the doctor, I filled out the idiot form. Oh, you’re not familiar with the idiot form? Allow me to explain.

Hooray for Luke!

February 13, 2007 - 11:14am -- swingbug

Exciting news! After a lot of hard work and toil, Luke cut his first tooth today, one day before his 4-month birthday. Hooray for Luke!

By the way, I posted new pictures of the boy yesterday. Enjoy.

Book 7

February 1, 2007 - 10:26am -- swingbug

Yes, I saw it. You can now pre-order Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on Amazon.com. Look I railed about this last time and see no real reason to repeat myself. I’ll simply state that any friend of mine who orders their copy of Harry Potter Book 7 from Amazon is disowned.

Go support your local bookstore. Don’t tell me you can’t afford it. If you can afford to buy a book the instant it becomes available in hardback, then you can shell out an extra $10 to buy it from a real bookstore.

Bar of Soap

January 31, 2007 - 4:52pm -- swingbug

I have a bar of soap in my bathroom that was gifted to me by almost a total stranger. It smells like my grandmother. I can’t recall what it was supposed to smell like -- some serenity white tea nonsense or the other -- but every time I walk into my bathroom, I smell my grandmother when she lived in Hawaii.

Is Your Refrigerator Running?

January 30, 2007 - 3:24pm -- swingbug

My infant son is napping in my arms, which is the only way he’ll nap for any reasonable amount of time these days. This makes it tricky if I actually want to get anything done, like work to help support us or... I don’t know... maybe eat something. However, it does afford me a fair amount of time for studying this little life form I’ve brought into the world.

State of the Website Address

January 29, 2007 - 12:43pm -- swingbug

Well, it’s been about a month with my new site up and running. I’ve gotten a lot of feedback.

Super-supportive friend: “I love it!”
Constructively critical friend: “I like it but I miss your old site.”
Brutally honest friend: “Dark, dank, and cluttered.”

Running the Numbers

January 24, 2007 - 12:42pm -- swingbug

There is a clock in Luke’s nursery and everyday Shawn and I do a run-down of the numbers.

“I was up with him from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00, and then again from 4:00 to 5:30.
“Why so long?”
“We had a false start at 4:45 and had to start all over again.
“Ooh. Those are frustrating.”
“Yep. Was that it?”
“No. I got up and changed his diaper around 3:00.”
“Right. I forgot about that.”

Why do we do this? you ask. Good question. Keeping track of how little sleep you’re getting is just short of masochistic.

Suffering Cats

January 20, 2007 - 12:41pm -- swingbug

There is some kind of cat party going on in yard. I don’t understand it. One night earlier this week, a cat was hollering outside. Shawn and I counted our fuzzballs and found them both, safe, whole, and accounted for. The howling continued. Shawn poked around outside looking for the source. It turned out to be a brown tabby who set up camp on our back door mat and refused to leave. I’m serious. I could look out the back door right now and odds are 50/50 that he’d be there. I half expect him to look up at me and say, “Nevermore!”


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