
Pixies and Pirates

June 22, 2010 - 9:34pm -- swingbug

“Jenny, get you ass out here.”

I’m standing in front of my neighbor’s house holding a black garment bag. I’m wearing a flaming red knee length chiffon dress with a black leather corset and there is a tree branch decked out in red and silver berries that appears to be eating my head.

“Why? I look more ridiculous than you do,” Jenny called through the crack in the door. I can see the flash and fluff of feathers as she’s shouldering her gear.

Two Left Feet

May 14, 2010 - 9:27pm -- swingbug

I showed up to ballet tonight having forgotten my leotard and with only two left shoes in my dance bag. Does that just lay my day right out there for you?

I might have bailed but a particularly awesome teacher was subbing and I had rearranged my whole family’s schedule so I could be there. Also, I spent the bulk of the day writing JavaScript which is a little like looking at the world from the wrong end of a telescope. I wanted to move, and not through a for loop, you know?

So frack it. I danced anyway. Best class I’ve had in two weeks.

Sunset over El Cerrito

May 11, 2010 - 9:32pm -- swingbug

You may have heard me mention (or curse or lament) the status of my long overdue Invisibility Shawl, which I began last summer. The shawl pattern was for the light airy sort of thing that would be perfect to wrap around bare shoulders for a evening dress, and some time towards late fall or early winter of last year, while I was safely entrenched in the Great Christmas Sock Project of 2010, I vowed to wear that shawl to the ballet in the coming season.


April 14, 2010 - 7:33pm -- swingbug

The break room at my office is always amply stocked with snacks. As I passed through one day, my eyes caught on a big tub of mixed nuts. In my head, I heard the echo of my dance instructor’s voice, at the barre for tondues. “Cashews!” she cried. “I want to see those feet look like cashews!”

I approached the tub of nuts, unscrewed the lid, and poured a small heap into my palm. I popped a pecan into my mouth. I prodded the nuts around in my hand until I came upon a cashew. I contemplated the cashew while I chewed. I popped in a macadamia nut. Still thinking about the cashew.

Life on Mars

December 14, 2009 - 9:23am -- swingbug

T-minus ten days until Christmas. We sloshed through rain and mud yesterday to acquire a Christmas tree. I’m dreaming of a wet Christmas. Luke and I decorated the tree last night while Shawn and Ana made tacos. It smells like home.

It’s the Perfect Story, So They Say

November 4, 2009 - 8:39am -- swingbug

Okay, bad joke of the day...

While warming up during ballet class last night, my instructor was discussing a rather contemporary piece of choreography with another adult student. My instructor looked around at the class compliment that evening which had an uncharacteristically large amount of twelve-year olds. Looking pointedly at the younger members of the class my instructor says to my friend, “Sorry, but I don’t think we can do the weird stuff tonight.”

Circuitous Route

September 24, 2009 - 12:47pm -- swingbug

I’m working on a fairy costume for Halloween. Sort of Renaissance-ish. White chemise, strapless crocheted corset (yes, really, and it’s a whole story in itself), flowered circlet, that sort of thing. I was describing the costume to a friend of mine who said, “I know exactly what you’re going for. Sounds like an Arthur Rackham fairy.”


“Oh, he was an illustrator. Drew a lot of fairies. Midsummer Night’s Dream, that sort of thing.”

Well, god bless google.


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