It’s the Perfect Story, So They Say

November 4, 2009 - 8:39am -- swingbug

Okay, bad joke of the day...

While warming up during ballet class last night, my instructor was discussing a rather contemporary piece of choreography with another adult student. My instructor looked around at the class compliment that evening which had an uncharacteristically large amount of twelve-year olds. Looking pointedly at the younger members of the class my instructor says to my friend, “Sorry, but I don’t think we can do the weird stuff tonight.”

At which point Megan and I lose it, big time. Amidst a sea of adolescents we suddenly look like the most immature of the bunch and Megan is laughing so hard that she’s going to need an oxygen mask soon.

I want to explain myself to my peers. I want to say, “No no, you don’t understand. It’s not just a bad sexual innuendo, it’s a bad science fiction sexual innuendo,” but all that wants to come out of my mouth is, “We do the weird stuff.” In harmony, no less.

Sigh. To be alone is a sea of non-geeks. Megs, at least we were alone together.

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Submitted by Megs on

It was legendary!!
My God did we laugh so hard over that one :)

Yes I was proudly immature in that moment.

Can't wait to learn this dance heard it was AWESOME.