Dirty Work

August 20, 2009 - 8:45am -- swingbug

Thursday morning. I’ve already reheated my tea once and it’s not 9:00 yet. “One Day More” is on repeat in the back of my head for reasons unknown. (Ania, I can see you shaking your head all the way from Virginia - I like that song.) My current audio book file crapped out on me in the middle of a tense scene so until I can get my hands on a hard copy, I’m in suspense (that’s a flaw in my freebee library system). There’s knitting all over my desk but I’m trying to get something useful done before I plunge my fingers into alpaca.

I’ve vacuumed and cleared cobwebs this week so I feel somewhat accomplished. Plus I applied for two jobs and started a Halloween costume. Good deal. Today I do battle with the mighty weeds in the side garden and also rip down my virtual drive to rebuild my Windows installation. (For the record, the second activity makes me feel far dirtier than the first.) Then I make salsa.

While my dear friend and best knitting buddy is away on vacation, I vowed to clear the deck of a lot of the little knitting projects I had hanging around on various needles. Nothing inspires me like a deadline – even a vague and self-implied one is better than nothing. I made two beaded bracelets and the bestest hat ever in the whole wide world, largely out of stashed scrap. Huzzah, huzzah. That hat is a soft-and-fuzzy angora/merino blend. It’s the kind of thing that makes you beg for chilly days.

Now I’m down to a Christmas project which shall not be named and my Invisibility Shawl, which is only invisible in the serious-lack-of-discernable-progress sort of way.

As always, it’s been lovely procrastinating the morning away with you, but this clock is ticking onward and there’s dirty work to be done.

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Submitted by Ania on

Damn you, Shannon....now I've got that wretched song in my head.....