
Wuthering the Storm

September 5, 2013 - 9:53pm -- swingbug

Whoosh. That's the way my days are going lately. Work's been a little hectic. Busy is good. I like feeling useful and I don't care for being bored, so I don't mind the busy. This is enough, though, that I'm coming home with my intellectual tank running on fumes. Things that take a certain amount of brain power have been going undone or underdone. Case in point, I cast on for another ribbed scarf over the weekend. This is getting serious. I'll have to change my Ravelry avatar to a knitted zombie soon. (Someone find me an amigurami pattern. You know there is one.)

Still Conferencing

July 11, 2013 - 4:43pm -- swingbug

I'm still conferencing. It's strange, but bouncing around in a building with 15,000 people can be surprisingly lonely. I'm not one of those folks that easily makes friends with whoever I'm sitting next to in a Python presentation. I'm a little jealous of the folks who are here with 20 people from their office. They have someone to have lunch with.

Not that I have time for lunch. My days are packed full of so much information I'm worried about the maximum capacity of my brain.

Professional Tides

July 8, 2013 - 9:10pm -- swingbug

It must be a strange thing working in a business right next to large conference center.

I'm in San Diego this week, for the ESRI User Conference. Translation: a bunch of map geeks have descended upon downtown San Diego, overrunning the ten blocks or so immediately surrounding the conference center, wearing our badges, matching ESRI saddle bags, and all wearing polo shirts and buttons that say things like "We are GIS."


July 17, 2012 - 6:06pm -- swingbug

"Why do you have two computers?"

The end of the school year and the beginning of summer camp have left a half day gap in the middle which has landed my 5-year-old next to me, dangling off the arm of my office chair like a monkey.

"It's one computer, little fish. See down there under the desk? I have two monitors." He examines the blue glowing light on the CPU for a bit.

He pops back up. "Everyone here has two monitors," he notes, turning in a circle in the middle of my small workgroup. "Why?"

"Because we're that cool."

Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox as it Applies to Pastries

February 9, 2012 - 10:15pm -- swingbug


Do we all know Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox? That you can never to get from Point A to Point B because first you have to get halfway there? And before you can get to the halfway point, you have to get to the point that's halfway to the halfway point. And before you get there... You see where I'm going with this? Or not going? The idea is that because you can chop up any length into an infinite number of halves, the distance is, in a sense, infinite and therefore unachievable. 

The Toaster Flies at Midnight

July 25, 2011 - 10:23pm -- swingbug

I crashed my head down on my desk.

“Having problems with that export code?”

“It’s driving me insane. Is that a problem?”

“Well, don’t work too long on it. Go home. Go to sleep. It will come to you in a dream. You’ll wake up in the middle of the night with the answer.”

“I hate that. I end up dreaming about trying to program the toaster.”

Sticky Situation

May 19, 2010 - 8:52pm -- swingbug

"Does anybody have a sticky note?"

I pull a small purple pad of post-its out of my desk drawer and toss them to Ian.  The pad is clean, crisp, and unused.  I touch it on the edges.

As I turn back to my computer I say, "But if I catch you putting them on your monitor, I'm taking them back."

A one-syllable laugh issues from another desk.

"Pet peeve?"


"Uh, yeah.  Big time."


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