
Halloween, Part I of 3: Raising the Dead

October 30, 2010 - 10:13pm -- swingbug

At some point in early June, I suddenly knew what I had to be for Halloween this year and I was bouncing with excitement to get going. This is early for me. Perhaps not in the scheming and initial design sense, but certainly for the execution phase. When that little serendipitous inspiration struck me, I was entrenched in sewing ballet costumes for a performance under the direction of another, and while the costume director was doing a great job, the perverse part of me was bristling to color outside the lines.

All Hallows Eve

November 1, 2009 - 9:47am -- swingbug

Halloween has come and gone. We set the clocks back and it’s time now to shovel the remains of shattered pumpkins into garbage cans and clean up spider webs, bake some pumpkin bread and hide the candy from the kid. But before I start in on all that, I thought I’d give you a recap on our holiday.

Ah Nuts...

October 29, 2009 - 7:22pm -- swingbug

I wasn’t going to go nuts this year, I said. Just a couple carving pumpkins, I said. Maybe a few sugar pies. And a jarrahdale, you know, for bread. Nothing over the top. Uh huh. Sure...

Four trips to three pumpkin patches later...

Engineering Creativity

October 29, 2009 - 9:20am -- swingbug
Fairy Costume

It’s getting to be that time of year again, so I’m back at the sewing machine. This year I’m going for sort of a wood sprite kind of thing, with the main piece being a corset/cincher made in tunisian crochet. The pattern calls for rigilene boning, which always sends a quiver down my spine, and I decided I was overdue for a rant on why people should never ever use that stuff to make a corset.

Good Morning World

October 14, 2009 - 10:20am -- swingbug
Eat World

Good morning, world. Is it raining where you are? It’s been raining here, and every ant in the tri-county area is taking refuge in my house, little six-legged bastards. And while they’re here, they’re helping themselves to anything they want in the kitchen. They launched a stunning siege last night for the remains left on one plate in the sink and I countered. They returned three hours later for the batter drippings on the underside on a mixing bowl left from the baking of Luke’s birthday cupcakes. We beat them back.


October 1, 2009 - 9:27am -- swingbug
Pile of Pumpkins

I think I've expressed that I'm enamored with pumpkins. I love carving them, I love eating them, I love watching them spread out over a summer garden and attempt to take over the world. I have opinions on varieties and I've gathered a fair amount of recipes. I'm now going to impart this knowledge to you so current and future generations have this little bit of amassed wisdom, such as it is, at their fingertips.

Pumpkin Patches

Circuitous Route

September 24, 2009 - 12:47pm -- swingbug

I’m working on a fairy costume for Halloween. Sort of Renaissance-ish. White chemise, strapless crocheted corset (yes, really, and it’s a whole story in itself), flowered circlet, that sort of thing. I was describing the costume to a friend of mine who said, “I know exactly what you’re going for. Sounds like an Arthur Rackham fairy.”


“Oh, he was an illustrator. Drew a lot of fairies. Midsummer Night’s Dream, that sort of thing.”

Well, god bless google.


October 28, 2008 - 6:55pm -- swingbug

I haven’t blogged about Halloween yet, which is unusual for me given my preference for the holiday. But rest assured that Halloween has been progressing around the house if not here in my digital home.


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