
Halloween Part 3: Oral Hygiene and the Moral of the Story

October 31, 2014 - 9:04pm -- swingbug

As I've mentioned, I undertook a big steampunk project effort Halloween this year, which I'd love to show you but only finished it by the skin of my teeth (weird expression) and I haven't properly photographed it yet. 

I wore it to a friend's Halloween party last weekend and I was grateful for the opportunity to take it for a test drive, but it's a bit of an ordeal to put on, and long experience gained over many Halloweens has taught me that doing my regular job at a desk for eight hours in a corset makes me cranky by day's end. 

Machines, Knitting Karma, and other Miscellany

August 29, 2014 - 9:04am -- swingbug

Today is the anniversary of the day that Skynet would have become self-aware and begun the war between man and machine. So everyone shout out a thanks to Sarah Connor for squashing Arnold Schwarzenegger's metal skeleton in a mechanical press and then blowing up a tech company, thus adverting the apocalypse. I hear those are a bummer.

Of course that was in 1997, or the 1984 version of a 1997 that didn't happen.

All of which is a long and complicated way of saying the future has arrived, the world hasn't ended, and somehow we're still not cruising around in flying cars.

The Case of the Accursed Shawl

July 21, 2014 - 9:25pm -- swingbug

She walked into my office on a hot, muggy night, one of those nights where you could wring the sky out like a wet pair of wool socks. She dabbed at her red eyes with a lace knit hanky and fell into the chair opposite me.

I pulled my feet off the desk and looked the dame over. She didn't look like my usual clientele, not by a long shot. 

I'm Gyle, by the way. R. Gyle, and I'm a detective.

Wheel Never Stops Turning

February 9, 2014 - 1:39pm -- swingbug

It's a rainy weekend at our house (thank god) which means building forts, go fish, and a trip to the roller rink to get the wiggles out. We're also watching a fair amount of the Olympics. I must take this opportunity to say that the local network coverage of women's hockey has been insufficient. (Oh, but we get a bloody hour of ice dancing. What's that about?)

I guess you can't please everybody all of the time and sometimes the somebody sitting in the mush pot is bound to be me. Alright, Universe. Noted. I'll stop complaining. (Out loud.)

Trust the Process

December 27, 2013 - 9:48pm -- swingbug

So our days were merry and bright. I hope yours were too. Santa made his appearance, and tracked some boot prints all over the hearth. The cat added wrapping paper to his list of favorite things, along with the big water bowl under the tree which is dangling with a multitude of cat toys. My seven-year-old has been a pretty good boy this year, but seemed to get the idea that volunteering to do the dishes Christmas Eve might sweeten the pot just a little.

Halloween Part II: Super Plan

November 12, 2013 - 9:23am -- swingbug

My son decided fairly early this year that he was going to be a superhero of his own description for Halloween. That description itself continued to evolve/mutate with super speed, along with the various accoutrements which spanned from crowns to dragon tails to super symbols that "look like fire in the shape of bacon" (direct quote, that), but the idea itself stuck true.


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