Mostly Stupid

May 5, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Last night I went to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I hadn't planned on going at all. In fact, I vowed I wouldn't. When the first teaser trailer popped up at the movie theaters I swore under my breath, and when I saw Disney was doing it I lost all hope.

Bunny Tales

April 28, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

On Friday night I got a call from my friend next door. There was something strange in her backyard that we ought to look at, she said. So Shawn and I tromped over and there munching on some weeds was the cutest little fluffy bunny you ever did see. It was a mostly-baby brown bunny complete with fluffy tail. Not a jack rabbit. This was someone's pet, clearly. In fact, it looked to be about the right size for a baby bunny that was given to someone as an Easter present.

I really wish people wouldn't do that.

Ask and You Shall Receive

April 21, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Ask and you shall receive.

Or... Complain and God says, "Alright already! Stop whining! I've already taken care of it but there's shipping time involved and even I can't speed up the US Postal Service!"

Or something like that.

Yesterday, just hours after writing my frantic blog about my mournfully empty post office box, I arrived at said box to find that providence had intervened. There, in a little letter-sized enevelope, was the first submission to The Yolo Crow. A lovely little villanelle.*

Brain Mush

April 20, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

So I'm having Yolo Crow dreams every night now. Dreams where I'm running around frantically trying to promote the magazine, which, incidentally, is what I'm doing in my awake time anyway.


April 14, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug


TGFMBD. Thank God for my Back Up Drive.

There's nothing like a downed server to wake you up. I work for a small business and I'm what goes as tech support around here. I'm not a computer doctor. I'm certainly not a computer surgeon. I'm more comparable to a school nurse. I can put on band-aids, I can tell you that you should never stick that up your nose again, and I know when to call the real doctor.


April 12, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

This past weekend was Vacaville's first Middle Earth Festival and my own little fellowship gathered to celebrate. On Friday, we met at my house for a pre-festival festival. In hobbit style, we prepared way too much food. We barbecued shish-kabobs and grazed through salads. We raised glasses of homemade mead and toasted to Frodo. We played some Lord of the Rings Trivia and watched The Fellowship of the Ring.

Morning Mutters

April 5, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

I don't know about you guys but the time change is killing me. I had to pry myself out of bed with a crow bar this morning. I hit snooze twice and finally blundered out of bed at 7:15 am (which still feels like 6:15) and stumbled around the bedroom on unstable feet, trying my best not to lose my patience with the cats who were bounding around me like spring lambs, so excited that someone was awake to keep them company.


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