
Your Heart is as Black as Night

In the summer of 2012, I took a composition class at Pam Trokanski Dance Workshop. There were five of us in the class together and we learned the basics of how you put a dance piece together, from choreography to lights and music. I created a solo piece to Melody Gardot song called "Your Heart is a Black as Night" which I performed at the end of the summer. It was an amazing experience and it had been a good long while since I had had that much fun performing. My sincerest thanks to the studio, my instructor, my classmates, my friends and family for showing up.

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Swan Lake

In 2013 I got the opportunity dance the Odette variation from Act II of Swan Lake.

I like Odette. She's got backbone. She's a little feral and she's got a heap of problems to deal with, but she still stands strong. She's not the sort to weep and die of a broken heart. (That's Giselle; she has her own ballet.) When she dies, she does it on her own terms.

But we did bits from Act II when all is still more or less well and hopeful, dancing on the shore of lake of tears. It was a fun piece. I'm grateful I got the chance to take a crack at it, and to meet the whole flock of lovely women that I got to share the stage with.

Further adventures in the flock are documented on the blog, from practice to rehearsal to the final show.

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