
Shiny Red Sports Car

October 13, 2013 - 10:03pm -- swingbug

For the past eleven years, the bulk of any strenuous physical activity I've undertaken has occurred at the barre in ballet class. (I may have mentioned.)

The string of logic that has taken me from there to here where I'm sitting right now might be better categorized as a thread, but it does exist. The long and short of that thread breaks down to wanting to try something completely different.

Hockey's different.

The Game

October 23, 2012 - 9:24am -- swingbug

I spent last night working on a sewing project for Halloween. When I was in my sewing cave, I had the presidential debate streaming on my iPad. When I needed space to lay out fabric for cutting I was in the living room with the baseball game on. I bounced back and forth between the two for an hour and found myself drawing quite a few comparisons between the two competitions.

In particular, I found myself wondering if the candidates can walk up to each other after the final inning and say, "Dude, that was a nice save you made there."

Perhaps not.

How to Play Anarchy Kickball

September 23, 2008 - 3:02pm -- swingbug

If you want to play some version of baseball but don’t have the required players or skills, may I suggest Anarchy Kickball to you?

Anarchy Kickball is played with roughly 8 players. The required ball is of the playground variety and at least 16” in diameter. 24” is better. If that sucker’s coming at you in right field, you should be crossing yourself before you get under it to make the catch.


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