
Proposition 8

October 28, 2008 - 9:22pm -- swingbug

My blog, on the other hand, is an entirely appropriate place for me to spout off my political point of view, so here I go. If you don’t want to hear it, log off.

I plan to vote no on Proposition 8. I respect your right to disagree with me. I respect your right to vote differently and your right to blog or display signs or otherwise promote your point of view. What I do take issue with is signs like this:
Yes on 8 = Religious Freedom
Yes on 8 = Freedom of Speech
Yes on 8 = Parental Rights

Traveling at 6 mph

October 12, 2008 - 3:52pm -- swingbug

While en route to my sister’s house I got caught in the traffic puddle that is Berkeley. Oop, here’s University Avenue. Everybody slam on your brakes and look around. You might see a hippie.

Stuttering along in stop and go traffic makes the mind wander. You’re not traveling physically so you may as well take a mind trip. While looking out at the sloshing bay and regretting the 20 ounce cup of tea I downed on the way, my mind bounced around all over the place. Here’s where it took me.

Smart People

September 30, 2008 - 1:39pm -- swingbug

My friend Chezza wrote out a great summary of Proposition 1including how she plans to vote on it and why. From the sound of it, she’s planning on reviewing some more props.

Chezza is easily the smartest person I know, and she argues with me every time I say that. Give her blog a read. You don’t have to agree with her. Shoot, argue with her. Start a debate in the comments section. I doubt anything would please her more.

Political Fiber

September 5, 2008 - 5:15pm -- swingbug

While checking my messages on a yarn crafter site that I frequent (read: am obsessed with), I found myself irked, and probably unjustly so, by another user. I got a message from a moderator asking to use a picture of an afghan I crocheted for the pattern’s description page. Fine. But the moderator's avatar that appears big and bold in my message screen? A big picture of McCain with "McCain for President 2008."


1000 Words

February 20, 2008 - 9:16am -- swingbug

Ladies and gentleman of the State of California, are you listening? Are you paying attention? Are your eyes open? Do you see any familiar friends of yours on this map? When your kids ask you why they can’t go to Sutter’s Fort like you did when you were a kid, are you going to have an answer for them?

A Better Employ of Your Time and Energy

January 9, 2008 - 1:30pm -- swingbug

I just received an email forward. I’m not into forwards in general. You can send them to me if you deem them important. If someone I love sends me something that they think is important, I will read it. However, I am extremely unlikely to send it on to another. I choose not to support the habit. As a general rule, they clutter up otherwise useful inboxes with uninvited attachments, badly formatted text, and a plethora of exclamation points, none of which I personally choose to endorse.

This forward, however, I feel demands a comment.


July 7, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

So here we are, just past another 4th of July. I did the family bbq thing, like so many of us do. I skipped out of the fireworks as I have for a few years now, I suppose in silent protest for the state of the union.

No Crying in Baseball

June 14, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

So we're through another election and almost nothing I voted for passed (libraries and schools, folks; this is a no brainer), and network neutrality took a hit in House. Sigh. At least I can say I did my civic duty and thus preserved my right to bitch.

And speaking of laws and rules, can we switch to a horse of a slightly different color and talk about stupid P.C. sports rules for a minute?


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