
Mickey's Christmas Carol

December 23, 2014 - 3:00pm -- swingbug

On Saturday morning I woke up and went to brush my teeth. There was a high-pitched sort of electronic buzzing sound in the house, similar to the sort you get when you have an auxilary cable plugged into a stereo on one end and dangling loose on the other with the volume cranked. At first I thought my ears were still ringing from the night before (the band at the company Christmas party was Awesome) but as I moved about the house I found the sound had a directionality to it and it pulled me to a corner of the house where we keep our server cabinet.

Now Dash Away All

December 16, 2014 - 8:35pm -- swingbug

Christmas crafting with the youngling:

"Mommy, your reindeer isn't very accurate. Reindeer aren't predators. They're prey so their eyes are on the sides, not in the front."

What I didn't say: "Except for Santa's reindeer. They are carnivores. Hmmm, I wonder what they eat...."

What I actually said: "That's a fine point, kiddo. So the fact that these specimens are red and white striped and one-legged doesn't trouble you?"

"No, I'm using my imagination."


In the Bag

December 14, 2014 - 1:36pm -- swingbug

Knock on gingerbread, but I feel like I've got the Christmas scene pretty well in hand this year. Tree's up. We've made cookies. My husband brought home a mistletoe clump the size of a tumbleweed. I've got a few minor shopping things to do, but mostly it's all wrapped up and in the bag, so to speak. Aside from rooting around in the back of my closet for something passable to wear to the company Christmas party, I'm set. Often I'm starting to feel a little harried at this stage in December. I don't know exactly how it happened, but this mellow season of waiting has been quite pleasant.

Median Strip

December 2, 2014 - 4:02pm -- swingbug

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Hope your mashed potatoes were merry and bright. We had a thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat and sang a few bars of Alice's Restaurant, with four part harmony and feeling. As you do.

And now we're out the other side of turkey day and it's December. The leftovers are pretty much gone, which means I'm going to have to start cooking again. Crap.

It Could Be Bunnies

April 21, 2014 - 4:01pm -- swingbug

Happy Easter everybody. We had the standard sort of affair. The rabbit showed up and made a god-awful mess of a carrot and some lettuce in the living room, but he left behind jelly beans and a chocolate self-effigy, so we'll let it slide, I guess. We dyed eggs, and our fingers, in many merry colors and otherwise had a pretty chill weekend. A walk to the park, dinner with the folks, some sewing and lego building and whathaveyou. Good times. Two friends dropped by with baked goods.

Trust the Process

December 27, 2013 - 9:48pm -- swingbug

So our days were merry and bright. I hope yours were too. Santa made his appearance, and tracked some boot prints all over the hearth. The cat added wrapping paper to his list of favorite things, along with the big water bowl under the tree which is dangling with a multitude of cat toys. My seven-year-old has been a pretty good boy this year, but seemed to get the idea that volunteering to do the dishes Christmas Eve might sweeten the pot just a little.

It's Not Just Me

December 11, 2013 - 10:55am -- swingbug

So it's Christmas time again. We've been decking some halls and checking lists twice and whatnot. And, man, is it ever sweater weather. Here in the middle of California we're having what I would have determined a cold snap, had it merely just snapped the once and got on with it. After two weeks of freezing temperatures its just simply cold now.

It's Beginning to Link a Lot Like Christmas

November 25, 2013 - 8:07am -- swingbug

It's almost that time again. I'm sure lots of folks out there are covering their ears at the sound of approaching carols and yelling, "Noooo! It's too early!" I hear you. Or I would, if my ears weren't covered too. And yet, When you stop to look at the calendar, one must admit it. The hour grows late. I think Hanukkah starts this week, Turkey Day is right behind that, and then we're neck deep in jingle bells and candy canes.


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