Lack of Nothing

July 18, 2012 - 4:04pm -- swingbug

It's cool this week. Strangely cool. A high of 77 isn't quite rain-of-frogs or plague -of-locusts weird around here in July, but it's close.

Things are cooling down in my life a little too. It's been a month of constant activity from weddings to camping to running a kids summer-camp type program for a week. (Why? Because I'm crazy. Moving on...)

I finally landed back home on Saturday and fell into Crow season. New one on the shelves by the way, see a bookstore near you or our handy-dandy website. The fiction piece in particular is quite good this time around.

Last night, for what seems like the first time in a month, I did a whole lot of nothing, which is to say that I knit a gauge swatch for a new shawl and vegged out with a Eureka episode. I suppose there is no "nothing" in my vocabulary, but this was a pleasant approximation thereof.

And speaking of all the nothing I haven't been doing, I've also been rehearsing. I have a ballet performance coming up on August 3. It's a solo piece, which is a first for me, and my own choreography, which is also a first. I'm a little scared, but in a good way. So if you're local and dance-inclined, or if you're related to me and have no choice, come check it out. The show will be in the in-house theater at PTDW. More specific dates and times to come.

So that's me. In a nutshell. Or spilling out of a nutshell because, as usual, there's not a lot of nothing going on around here.

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