Camp Drupal

May 27, 2012 - 8:12pm -- swingbug
Drupal Camp Sacramento Logo

I believe I've mentioned that I built my shiny new site here with Drupal. And since Drupal has freed me from the necessity of hacking iWeb's xml ever again in my life (hooray!), I feel honor bound to mention that Drupal Camp Sacramento is coming up in a couple of weeks. Like Drupal, it's free, and if you're into web development, you can learn cool stuff there. Even non-Drupal specific stuff. Last year I took a couple of CSS classes from Mac at Digital Deployment, who breaks down CSS hierarchy in a language we all understand: Star Wars. This year I'm looking at a PHP class. I don't know if there will be storm troopers, but I expect I'll learn something.

So I'll be there. If you're there too, say hi.

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