If you like to knit...
And if you like to knit socks...
And if you like to read gothic romantic horror/sci-fi novels while knitting foot garments made in the image of the monsters these books contain...
May I please direct you to a Ravelry group I very recently co-launched, Frankensocks?
And if you don’t do like to do these things, you may now return to your sad little gray-scale lives.
Wow Shannon. You would!
Wow Shannon. You would!
are there such people ? how
are there such people ? how sad.
Yes, Robert, I would. Me and
Yes, Robert, I would. Me and 82 other people, and that's just who's popped up in the last twenty hours or so. If I'm crazy, I'm crazy in good company.
I hope it was clear that what
I hope it was clear that what I meant was...what sad people they are who don't knit and don't want to join Frankensocks....98 members last count.
It was clear, dear one.
It was clear, dear one.