Day of Surprising Awesomeness

August 17, 2010 - 10:00pm -- swingbug

I had an amazing day of surprising awesomeness. I cut out of work early, destined to spend the afternoon with a friend who had lately returned from far and away. We caught up, drank tea, skeined some yarn together, and knit while we watched Angel. That’s awesomeness right there.

And both my expected orders from ThinkGeek and KnitPicks arrived today. Awesome + awesome.

And did I mention I bought a spinning wheel?

Yes, I bought a spinning wheel. It’s a Kromski Mazurka. Doesn’t that just make you want to do pas de basques all around the living room? Maybe that’s just me...

But it’s beautiful and wonderful and just looks like if it pricked your finger you’d fall into a coma for a thousand years. I have no idea what to do with it... but I’m going to find out. I set it up right in my front living room window, like my very own major award.

I’d like to take a brief aside to address those among you who are rolling your eyes at each other and muttering things like, “Here she goes again.” If you think spinning will be a new hobby that I will toss off all other things for and obsess exclusively about, then I’d like to point out right now that you’re dead wrong. I never cast off hobbies; I pile them all on my back like a decorator crab and go merrily down the road.

Now back to my wheel... I purchased it used from my dear friend and horribly effective shopping enabler, Ania, with whom I’ve knit and danced for years now. It wasn’t until I had the wheel in my car and was headed home with it that I realized that I had just bought a spinning wheel from Carabosse. How’s that for a story line? So I came home and I wrote it. Seriously. Beginning, middle, end. Done. Needs some love, but it exists.

And now, Luke and I sit in the living room eating veggies I cooked up fresh out of our organic CSA box, I’m wearing my new Mary Shelley t-shirt, flipping through a new book about socks, and watching “The One Where Buffy Sings.” My spinning wheel (my spinning wheel) basks in the glow of the afternoon light streaming through the front window and there’s a “Start Spinning” book waiting in my lap. I’m high on the “I just finished a story” buzz and I’m enjoying my favorite beer. I’m nearly to the heel turn of what I say with confidence will be my most awesome pair of socks ever, my kitchen is clean, and my husband just got home.

Awesome. So much awesomeness that I had to share. May your day be full of equally impressive splendor.

But hands off my wheel. That baby’s mine.

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Glad you had an awesome day with your enabling friend! May the wheel domuch more than just look lovely in your home. When do we get to see some handspun???

Submitted by Michael on

Watch out or you will next have an angora goat in your back yard.

Submitted by swingbug on

Angora goats? Are you kidding me? (Hee hee hee...)

No, seriously. I don't need any more mohair around here. I'd go alpaca all the way.

Submitted by Anonymous on

You are so awesome and cute. And now just because i said that everyone will know that it is your mother. What can I say. Guilty. But you are and sometimes it just must be said.