Head Over Heels

May 13, 2010 - 9:30pm -- swingbug

Tonight I was finishing off a sock.  The pattern notes mentioned a specific bind-off as an alternative, and I followed the link and read about Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off

It was in a Knitty article – a good sign.  The method was preceded by a fairly gushing review.  These things usually are.  It was written by Cat Bordhi. 

Holy crow.

I grabbed my needles, braced myself for something complicated, and dug in.

How is it that I’ve knit 14 pairs of socks and I’ve only just heard about this?  It’s easy, it looks beautiful in pattern, and it’s as stretchy as my fabric, I swear on my Buffy collection. 

Shawn walked into the room while I was bent over my needles.

“I don’t mean to alarm you, but I think I’m in love.”


“The best bind off in the whole wide world.”

“I’m not threatened.”  Shawn went on to point out several key functions he performs which a bind-off could not.  I conceded the point.  I didn’t take my eyes off the sock though.

While I’m bragging on people, let’s have a socks talk.  The sock is the Midsummer Sock by Natalie Bursztyn, knit in the absolutely stunning Rainbow Dyeworks yarn I picked up at Lambtown last year.  I think it fits me better than any sock I’ve owned in my entire life, due not only to the lovely pattern and the down-right sexy bind-off, but also due to the excellent swatching method I learned from WonderMike. 

The sock fits.  The sock is lovely.  The sock is comfy.  The sock is going to the County Fair this year.  The sock is... single.

I’m going to go cast on a toe. 

But before I go, I just want to say it one more time.

Best.  Bind-off.  Ever.

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