Crow’s Nest

January 15, 2010 - 8:20pm -- swingbug

I dropped Luke off at school this morning and went to the dentist. Between the dentist and a meeting with a client I swung by to pick up the Crows from the printer. I grabbed half a bagel at the tail end of my meeting, picked up the kid, and put him down for a nap. When his head hit the pillow, I got to work prepping the Crow copies that go out to the submitters and and balancing the books so I could make my deliveries. I woke Luke up at 3:30 and threw him in the car with nap hair and a cookie. Three book stores later it was 5:15. We met Shawn for dinner at Steve’s in downtown Davis.


Until I was sitting there with a salad in front of me, I had no idea how hungry I was. Right... lunch... Skipped that part.

After dinner, Shawn took Luke to the grocery store while I went to pointe class.

-My heart is in my shoes.
     -You mean you love to dance?
-No, I mean my feet are so swollen I can feel my pulse in my toes.

After class, Shawn and I swapped cars and kid duty in the parking lot to the Art Center. He went in for a music performance and I brought the kid home for bath and bed.

House is quiet. Crow site is updated. I’m still wearing my sweaty leo under my clothes.

I blinked at it’s 10 p.m.

Quite a day.

But a new issue of Yolo Crow is officially released, now gracing the local bookshop shelves and winging your way, if you’re a subscriber. This one contains some eclectic prose, a handful of good poems, and a kick-ass cover designed by Dorothy Rosenberg.

And now I’m tired and I want a cookie.

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