Check Me Out

January 7, 2010 - 9:46pm -- swingbug

I don’t want to gloat, but check me out.

I worked this morning, picked the kid up at 1:00 p.m. and took him home for a nap. While he was napping, I proofed the draft of the Crow, made my edits, exported it for printing, and burned the files to a disc. I also made a shopping list and cleaned the cat box. In a 35-minute time interval, I went to the print shop, the library, the grocery store, and the bank. (That’s 35 minutes sans kid; I’m good, but I’m not a miracle worker.) I made dinner for the family and didn’t even cheat. Used the stove and the oven. Had dinner on the table by 6:15 p.m. and – this part is really cool – the kitchen was already clean when we sat down to eat. After dinner, we took down the tree. All the ornaments are packed up. Christmas has been banished back to the garage. Cleaned the carpet and the kid. Now it’s 9:52 p.m.

So check me out. On the eve of the end of my first week back to work and tomorrow when I get home I think I truly have nothing on my “have-to” list. I might knit.

You’re right; I am the bad-ass chick holding the shovel at the end of the zombie movie. I can totally do this.

It won’t all get done everyday. Sometimes it’s going to blow chunks. But today I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself and I’m going to ride on that for a bit.

[I guess that is gloating. Deal.]

Now I’m going to grab some cocoa, a disc of Angel, and my knitting basket for just a few minutes before bed.

Good night to you, wherever you are.

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Submitted by Katy on

The chick with a shovel is such a good image! I wonder if they can make action figures for small children instead of Disney pricesses...

Submitted by Amy on

Yeah you!! When you have a bad day, just remember you can have good ones too! (and re-read this post!)