New Kick

January 14, 2007 - 12:39pm -- swingbug

So I’m kind of on a Regency era kick. My friend Jenny has a collection of films made from Jane Austen’s books, and upon hearing that I’d never seen Pride and Prejudice set out to correct this grievous oversight. Well, you know me; I’m a sucker for anything with pretty costumes and I ate it up, all 5 hours of it. Now I’ve seen all the movies in her collection several times over and I’m working on the books.

So now I’ve gotten myself some historic patterns, crafted myself an excuse for wearing a Regency day dress (see above), and I’m embarking on a full regency outfit from the ground up, chemises, corslets, spencers, and all. I’m not sure how I’m going to manage my sewing machine while bouncing a babe on my knee, but I’ll figure it out. I’ve been bitten by the bug and I’m lying awake at night plotting seams and choosing fabrics. (Note: I’ve posted a journal of my progress. Feel free to check it out.)

In my research, I’ve come across some good sources for Regency wear, and I thought I’d pass them along, in case anyone wants to teleport through time with me, yet again.

Visit this site for some good info about clothing of the era, including a review of available patterns. I selected a pattern from an independent pattern maker, Sense and Sensibility.

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