Keep a Weather Eye

June 6, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

So I was bopping around on the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest website and came across an interesting image. Disneyland fans, take a peek at this and tell me if you see anything familiar?

See that ship off in the background on the left? It bears a strong similarity to the Sailing Ship Columbia, don't you think? Look at the paint detailing and the windows at the stern of the ship.

I know, I know, it's not an exact match. It's missing a few masts to be a dead-on replica of the Columbia, but if this is the general design for the fleet ships in the sequel, then who knows? How cool would it be if the Columbia made a cameo?

And speaking of things piratish in nature, a new trailer for Pirates 2 was released last week. I'm starting to get a little excited myself. The movie is officially released on July 7th. Shawn and I can't make it out to see it until that Sunday (the 9th), but if anyone wants to join us, we'll be there in full pirate gear shouting "Arrr!" and "Ahoy!" at passersby while we wait expectantly in line. Any takers?

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