
April 21, 2010 - 4:00pm -- swingbug

I'm talking about that feeling like you've overslept, that still-sleepy feeling you never can shake. Do you know that feeling? It's like your foot has fallen asleep and you've tried to move it, and any minute that rush of pins and needles will arrive, but this is the feeling just before that. Cold, but not like cold coming at you from the outside. Not cold like wind on your face or ice in your mouth. Cold like physics class described it: an absence of warmth.

Is this making sense?

Days like this make me reach for coffee I don't need - or even want, really - just to hold something warm. I've been wearing my meridian gloves all day even though my sweatshirt sleeves go down to my wrists. Yawning, but not because I'm tired. I am tired... but that's not why. It's just that feeling.

And I'm going for coffee now.