Turning of the Year

November 30, 2009 - 9:19am -- swingbug

Here we are, one turkey fatter (two in my case), past the first of the holidays and on to the next. Black friday is not a mall day for me; you couldn’t pay me enough. But fall has to scoot over for winter and at the DeArmond home, Friday was the day. We scooped gutters, raked leaves, and combed the lawn. The removal of the detritus from the front yard revealed the first tips of the winter bulbs making their way up. i got the leaves into a pile on the curb just in time to miss the green waste collector from city. Yay me. I topped off the dirty work by crawling tour through the attic, after which, every article of clothing I was wearing was stripped off and went instantly into the wash.

Then Shawn and I came in and attacked the leftover turkey. Chopping, peeling, shredding, etc. Five pans of turkey enchiladas were assembled and stored in freezer, after which every article of clothing I was wearing was stripped off and went instantly into the wash.

And on Saturday, it became Christmas. The weather provided with a seasonally-appropriate storm (which totally negated my raking attempts, incidentally) and we added a log to the fire. Christmas lights went up. Wreath on the door. I took a late Sunday afternoon walk around my neighborhood with a basket over my arm and a pair of garden shears surreptitiously tucked in my back pocket, and the advent wreath made it to the table in time for Sunday night dinner. (If your evergreens are drooping past your back fence and over the sidewalk, they’re totally fair game.) I even saw a performance of The Nutcracker in Davis, so now it’s official. It’s Christmas time.

I haven’t gone totally nuts yet. No stockings hung on the mantle or anything. But I kicked off my run on Sunday with “Run Run Rudolph” on my headphones and that night Shawn, Luke, and I drank eggnog while we played soccer in the living room.

What? You think it’s too early for eggnog?

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