Welcome to the Dollhouse

February 9, 2009 - 9:25pm -- swingbug

A friend reminded me via email today that Dollhouse begins airing on Friday. Holy crap, I almost spaced that entirely.

If you were unaware – and if you’re liable to care about this at all, then that’s extremely unlikely – Dollhouse is the new Joss Whedon show. Joss Whedon is the only TV show director/producer I can think of off the top of my head that has groupies... and I’m one of them.

I like the way this guy writes. He creates worlds with depth, colors them with his own special vernacular, and he stays true to his characters, something which I have a high respect for. He’s also an evil, sadistic bastard that has ripped my still beating heart out of my chest and hacked it to bloody pieces more times than I should possibly be able to forgive, but here we are. The wheel never stops turning, or so I’ve been told.

This new show stars Eliza Dushku of Buffy fame and Tahmoh Penikett who is currently Helo on BSG and it fits into the sci-fi shaped hole on the genre board of life. You can read up on it at dollverse, where Joss answers questions like “So how long till this one gets canceled?” I particularly enjoyed a review of Joss’s Dollhouse panel at ComicCon, though be wary of spoilers should you tread this path, both for this up-and-coming show, and for BSG. I had to skip big chunks of the text but remain untainted, thank the gods. (And we’re all clear that we’re not talking about BSG here at all, right? Because I’m running half a season behind and I don’t want to have to hunt anyone down with deadly intent. We’re clear? Good.)

So guess where I’ll be on Friday night at 9:00 p.m.? I’m so going to be camped out on my couch with a big bowl of popcorn and a... pair of ballet shoes and tights. Oh god, I’m on stage on Friday night.

Frack me. This is so not cool.

So guess what my VCR will be doing for me on Friday night? I’ll make it some popcorn. I’m jealous of 15 year old piece of obsolete hardware. This is sad.

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