Go Vote

November 4, 2008 - 9:34am -- swingbug

Go vote. Now. Seriously. I’m not kidding. I don’t care what you’re doing. Excuse yourself for an hour and go vote. Take a vacation hour. Do what you have to do.

Don’t know where your polling place is? Want to look at a sample ballot? The League of Women Voters can hook you up with that information.

Didn’t get a chance to read about all the propositions? That’s no excuse. Go vote on the issues that you’re sure about. Surely you must have an inkling of who you’d like to be president of the United States? Surely you have an opinion on Proposition 8? If nothing else, get out and vote on these issues.

And there is still time. If you want to hear more about the California propositions, I’m going to recommend you to Capitol Public Radio. They have a bunch of short segments on each of the propositions that you can listen to if you require clarification. And if somehow you haven’t picked your president, you can watch a debate for free on youtube. Just want the audio? iTunes has it for free. Off you go.

This is a really important election. We’re talking about war and climate change, the right to choose and the right to marry. Lives hang in the balance, and the welfare of entire countries beyond our own. Get off your butt and go vote. This is not just your right as an American, it’s your responsibility.


Thus ends my non-partisan speech.

As an aside, if you are planning on voting for Obama and “just don’t get around to it,” and Sarah Palin somehow ends up with any control of this country, then I’m hunting you down and considering you personally responsible for the havoc and chaos that follows. Dude. Go vote. Please.

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