Status Update

June 17, 2007 - 10:10pm -- swingbug

Luke is now 8 months old, with 7 teeth and just enough wisps on his head to get nap hair. He is crawling with speed and determination. Shawn and I are on the look out for recognizable words. Luke is on the look out for trouble – anything he can get into that’s less than two feet off the ground is eligible. He is fascinated with buttons and levers and noses. Balls and balloons are the best thing ever. He’s developed a discerning palette and is instantly suspicious of green food. His hobbies are pulling the dvds of the shelf, knocking over blocks, and turning the pages of books faster than I can read them.

While Luke is growing, I appear to be shrinking. Breast-feeding is the best diet ever, and couple that with a flu bug and I’m down 15-20 pounds from before I was pregnant. (Approximately as much as Luke weighs. Ironic, that.) My driver’s license actually tells the truth now, which any woman can tell you is just not healthy. I was quite content with my weight before and now I find myself undertaking the arduous task of trying to regain it. It’s more difficult than one would think, especially since I already eat whatever I feel like anyway – always have. I’m now accepting fattening recipes from friends. And if you have any stray cheesecakes hanging about the house, please feel free to send them my way.

I’m working from a laptop at home. It’s working out well enough. Sometimes I have way more work than I want and others, not enough. Weeks, say, like this one where I’ve posted 3 blogs and caught up on my pointless internet surfing. If you know anyone is need of a geographer, give me a call.

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