I know I've been blogging about my pregnancy a lot lately. Sorry if it's getting old. The thing is, when you're in your ninth month, it's hard to think about much else. I mean, there it is sticking right out in front of you (and occasionally kicking you in the ribs as well).
Sometimes it all seems like rather routine business.
To Do:
- fold laundry
- buy milk
- call mom
- pack bag for hospital
...And other times the whole thing really hits you in a big Meaning Of Life kind of way.
I was having a such a moment while sitting on the couch the other night. I looked at Shawn, and I looked at my belly, rippling with baby kicks (battements and fouette turns, I'm sure), and then back to Shawn.
"You and I created a whole other person!"
"Yes," he says contemplatively. "And now I have to teach it how to ski."