Ready, Set, Go

July 10, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

This past weekend I got The Crow ready for press, organized the office, and cleaned out a room for the baby (a feat of fairly large proportions that I've been procrastinating for months). I also scrubbed the stove, got a new microwave installed (to be fair, the appliance delivery guy did the installing), cleaned the house, and sewed a shirt. Somehow in there I also attended a party, had dinner with friends, and on Sunday night dressed up like a pirate and goofed off with my friends before seeing the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel. (And how was the movie? Let's just say I had fun goofing off with my friends.)

I think I'm ready to be a mom.

I would like to make a brief statement that theater attendants that take pretzels away from a woman who is 6 months pregnant are decidedly not cool. Look, if you people sold healthy food here, I would buy it from you, but you sell crap loaded with caffeine, fake sugar, and nitrites, all of which are restricted from my diet, and I'm hungry about every 20 minutes. What exactly do you want me to do? Shall I starve my child or poison it for the sake of your corporate policies. Decisions, decisions.

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