Go Outside

July 6, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

It's beautiful outside. It really is. If you live 'round about me and you don't have to be at work right now like I do, shut your computer off and venture out of doors. It's the perfect temperature, which on Planet Shannon is about 80 degrees. Just warm enough so that you can wear a light sweater and not be hot, or wear just a t-shirt and not be cold. There's a light breeze that's just a few degrees cooler. When you step into the sunshine you can feel it soaking into your skin. It's just lovely.

It's the kind of day that makes you want to strap some skates on your feet and go for a ride. The air feels so good, you want to move through it.

Of course I'm not outside. I'm wishing my light sweater were warmer as I wrap it up protectively over my belly and scowl up at the air conditioning vent over my desk. It's a bit like living under a little black rain cloud, though admittedly I'm not getting literally rained on. (Someone out there who has a desk made of actual wood, knock on it for me.)

My co-worker and his dog bailed out of the office a few hours ago. Not feeling well, he said. I know that ailment. That comes from looking out at the sunshine and looking down at your bored pup and thinking that somewhere out there, there is a park and a tennis ball with your names on it. I know that one.

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