Riding the Rollercoaster called 'Small Business'

October 17, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

The Yolo Crow is out! Friday I picked up two big boxes of magazines from the printers and I've been working hard since. I've sold 20 copies so far and there are another 28 on consignment at stores around town. I've brushed up the website a bit and now I'm working on an online shopping cart so people can buy subscriptions. I'm trying to set up a reading at a local bookstore for publicity. I've got press releases going out today and some promotional copies going out to local media folks.


All of this work and it's finally out! Something I can hold in my hands, and hopefully, put into the hands of others.

One of the authors in the edition we just published coincidentally dances at same dance studio as I do. She had no idea that I was the editor at The Crow and I had no idea she was a poet until her submission showed up in my PO Box, though we've danced in the same class for years. I brought her a copy of The Crow on Saturday. Her face just lit up. It squelched all those late night second thoughts I've been having while working on layouts (or balancing my checkbook) about whether or not I'm nuts for taking this on.

So now it's out and I've got a bit to do, though mainly the hard part is over. And do you know what I woke up worrying about this morning? The winter edition is just around the corner and I haven't seen much in the way of submissions yet, and even less that I actually like. What if I don't get enough?

Here we go again...

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