Ahoy Matey!

September 19, 2005 - 5:59pm -- swingbug

Ahoy me hearties! Today be th' official Talk Like a Pirate Day! And dasn't ye be thinkin' that yer mate here has finally jumped overboard. This be a real holiday.

  • Do ye be needin' help translatin' yer modern speech to the proper speak of a bucaneer? Set sail for th' pirate translator.
  • Perhaps ye be eager t' discover yer true pirate name. (Yours truly tested ou' as the fearsome Red Charity Roberts. They didna guess me true identity; I be in disguise.)
  • Mayhap ye'd like t' translate yer company's website into swashbucklin' speak. Check ou' this fun wee site and expose 'em for the marauderous bilge rats they be.

So what be the best way to be celebratin' such a festive holiday as this? When yer boss brings ye his next request, hand th' lad a piece o' paper wi' th' cursed black spot on 't. That'll teach th' lily livered landlover! Or ye could invite yer seafarin' brethren down to the pub for a mug o' grog an' lead 'em in a jolly tune. As fer me, me an' me mates will be gatherin' t' watch Pirates o' th' Caribbean wi' a mug o' rootbeer. Care t' join us?

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