Monday (not in disguise)

August 22, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Sometimes you need to draw an elephant on a piece of paper to make it through the day.

It sounds weird but it's true. At least for me. Yesterday I was home alone scrubbing toilets and changing litter boxes and not having a very good time. So I put on a tiara and cued up some Broadway showtunes and got back to work, singing at the top of my lungs. It helped. My husband came home and there I am folding laundry in a tiara. He kissed me and said, "You look nice." We finished the laundry together. That's how rad my husband is.

When choosing a life-mate, I recommend selecting someone who won't be embarrassed to be seen with you in a silly hat.

I keep a big green bug hat by the door in my house. Its got big scary bug eyes and bright green antennas that you can position anyway you like. Sometimes when I've had a bad day, I come in the house and put on the hat. Everybody should have a bug hat by the door.

Today I was having a real hard time getting through the day. I've got deadlines oozing out of my ears and clients tapping their toes; I really don't have time for my personal problems. Come on, Shannon. Knock it off and put it out of your head. Focus on the screen and get something done. Then I got this sudden, ridiculous inspiration that if I drew an elephant on a piece of paper I could make it through the rest of my day. I'm all for grasping at random straws. I flipped over the sheet in front of me (a print-out of conceptual plans for a project we're working on -- I hope my coworker wasn't expecting to get it back) and I drew an elephant. And you know, somehow or the other I feel better.

I cut out my elephant and pinned her to the bulletin board over my desk. I named her Grace. Sometimes you need a little extra grace in your life.

And sometimes you need to draw an elephant on a piece of paper to make it through the day.

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