
Well Told

July 26, 2007 - 9:04am -- swingbug

On Sunday it hit 106º. Four days later, I’m pulling on a sweater and shutting the windows because it’s too bloody cold out. (To be fair, sweater weather is 65º in Shannon-Land – it’s not like there are icicles forming on the lawn or anything.) Last night while Shawn and I stayed up reading Harry Potter and making pumpkin ice cream it was probably in the 50s outside. A 50º temperature range over the course of a week seems like a lot to me.

Perfect Afternoon

June 15, 2007 - 3:07pm -- swingbug

Today Luke and I went for our walk. It was 85º, clear skies and breezy. Kids were playing at the playground, digging in the sand in the shady parts under the slides to get out of the heat. The perfect summer afternoon...Except it was 9:00 a.m. in the morning! Anyone know when this heat wave is due to end?

Go Outside

July 6, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

It's beautiful outside. It really is. If you live 'round about me and you don't have to be at work right now like I do, shut your computer off and venture out of doors. It's the perfect temperature, which on Planet Shannon is about 80 degrees. Just warm enough so that you can wear a light sweater and not be hot, or wear just a t-shirt and not be cold. There's a light breeze that's just a few degrees cooler. When you step into the sunshine you can feel it soaking into your skin. It's just lovely.

Hot Stuffy Hug

May 17, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

This may sound weird, but you know where one of my favorite places is? My car on a hot day. It's about 84 degrees outside right now, according to my handy-dandy desktop widget, anyway. My car has been parked out in front of my office all day in the sun. It's probably another 10 degrees hotter in there. I just took a break to fetch a snack, and got that lovely moment of slipping into the car and shutting the door, and letting the heat just soak into my skin. Nobody likes that but me, I think. Not at 94 degrees, anyway. It's stuffy and hot and it wraps around you like a hug.

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