
Time Machine

November 26, 2015 - 10:49am -- swingbug

In 1895, Grover Cleveland was president of the United States. H.G. Wells had just built his Time Machine, and Oscar Wilde was teaching audiences The Importance of Being Earnest on the stage. The first working long-distance radio and the first moving picture projector were applying for patents.

California's female population was campaigning hard for the right to vote in state elections. Bicycling was all the rage. Big sleeves and bigger hats were in.

In Woodland, California, a new opera house was under construction. And also...

Packing It In

November 15, 2015 - 4:41pm -- swingbug

One of the rudest things about moving is that life doesn't stop while you do it. You still have to make the thing for the school bake sale and halloween costumes actually can't be put off until next month. You get to what you think is the end of packing the kitchen and then realize that the dishwasher is full of clean dishes because people around here still insist on eating, and the plates and cups pile up accordingly. What to do with dirty laundry the day before moving day? Wash it now and stay up late folding it into boxes? Chuck it dirty into its own box labeled "Eew"?

Moving Right Along

November 13, 2015 - 9:13pm -- swingbug

A note to my few but highly esteemed readers. This entry marks the first of a handful of entries engaging in a practice I call back-blogging, which is to say I wrote them a couple of weeks ago and I'm just posting them now. Generally I'm opposed to the process, however, as you will shortly see, the last couple of months I've been going through a substantial business transaction, which is the sort of thing I feel it is unwise to provide live public commentary on.

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