Median Strip

December 2, 2014 - 4:02pm -- swingbug

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Hope your mashed potatoes were merry and bright. We had a thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat and sang a few bars of Alice's Restaurant, with four part harmony and feeling. As you do.

And now we're out the other side of turkey day and it's December. The leftovers are pretty much gone, which means I'm going to have to start cooking again. Crap.

December means Christmas music is officially legal. (The stores have been playing it since before Halloween, but I've just declared it okay. Thus speaks swingbug.) So I'm queuing up my Christmas mix and checking over my list--just once at this point. In my preparations, I stumbled upon a list of science-based toys for young girls this Christmas. I would like to take this opportunity to clearly state that if you think the best way to encourage the budding female scientist in your life is to give her a cosmetics chemistry kit to make her own lipstick and perfume, you are part of the problem and not the solution. Dude.

I find, now that I've entered the stage of life where my seat is fairly secure at the grown up table, that I enjoy the this time of year more if I don't count the days until Christmas. Can't get away with it for long--at some point practicality has to kick in--but for now at least, I'm enjoying the delusion that Christmas is still a long way off and I have plenty of time to fuss with the have-tos later and can just enjoy the houses on the street lighting up one by one.

Here's to standing on the median strip in the middle of the holiday highway.

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