It Could Be Bunnies

April 21, 2014 - 4:01pm -- swingbug

Happy Easter everybody. We had the standard sort of affair. The rabbit showed up and made a god-awful mess of a carrot and some lettuce in the living room, but he left behind jelly beans and a chocolate self-effigy, so we'll let it slide, I guess. We dyed eggs, and our fingers, in many merry colors and otherwise had a pretty chill weekend. A walk to the park, dinner with the folks, some sewing and lego building and whathaveyou. Good times. Two friends dropped by with baked goods.

It's been pretty crazy busy around here lately. I'm working towards getting the last edition of The Crow out the door and on its way. We got more submissions for our last edition than I would have believed possible. It's really touching; and it's really really a lot of work. The experience has further cemented both the things I will miss about this publishing gig, and also all the reasons why it's time to set it aside.

And between that and work and the regular ins-and-outs of a busy family, it was nice to have a mellow holiday with little fuss and bother.

And now we're back to our regularly scheduled programing. But with more jelly beans.

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