The Power's Out

December 6, 2012 - 10:18pm -- swingbug

Some days are just like that, you know? When the power goes out, all the battery backups are bleeting at you, and you're already late for work. You know the sort? Sure, you do. Where you start your day with a less-than-stellar parent-teacher conference. Your to-do list is stacked against you and three more folks bearing requests are queuing up at your desk. Some days that's just the deal. So go ahead, ArcMap, crash again. After the fourth time, it kind of gets funny.

How about the mirror on bathroom door shattering when you dash in for potty break, and while you're standing in the glass shards the timer on the oven goes off? It happens.

May as well, man. If it's going to be that kind of day, just pile it on and get it out of your system.

Your kid tells you he can't wear the sweater you knit him because his friends say it makes him look like an elf. Nevermind that elves are in season. This is one of those days. The kind where everything's gone wrong and all you want to do is call your mom but every phone you own is out of batteries.  Uh huh. That one.

This is just little stuff. Minor irritations. Not big life-encompassing kind of problems. There are people out there dealing with way worse shit than a bad day where one ballet slipper goes missing. Doubtless, someone out there is dealing with major life shit and a missing ballet shoe. This? This is just a rough day.

On the other hand, I feel like you have to give yourself some license to be pissed about it. Give Murphy a good talking to for bad legislature if you makes you feel better. Hell, even if it doesn't. Tell the universe that tomorrow better be reasonably awesome to make up for this mess.

When everything goes your way, people invariably tell you to go buy a lottery ticket. When everything blows up in your face, you know better. Stay clear of lottery tickets because you'd undoubtedly get to the 7-11 to find you forgot your wallet and then get into a fender bender in the parking lot on your way out.

And this, my friends, is one of those kind of days...


Submitted by Katy on

I hope it got better...I'm in the midst of a month like that, and I'm really hoping it ends soon!