Brand New Day

May 2, 2012 - 4:12pm -- swingbug

Bet you guys think I've forgot about you. I've barely been blogging lately. The truth is I've been working on my blog like crazy. Just not so you'd notice. Until today.

I'm now officially announcing my change of address to

Here you will find a snazzy new format which includes every blog I've written in the last seven years, all tagged, searchable, and spiffy. Common gripes regarding my old site, like how slow the home page loads and difficulty leaving comments should plague you no more.

In case you care, it's built in Drupal. (And in case you really care, it's built in Drupal 7.) My wonderful husband set me up with a Drupal installation, built me a subtheme, and patiently helped me troubleshoot when I went stomping around the house kicking the walls because my CSS wasn't obeying my every whim. He's a good man.

And here it is. There's still a few tweaks to be done here and  some (unintentional) bugs in the system, but I'm pretty proud of it.

So click and around and tell me what you think. Your comments will be duly noted in my log.

The old version will stay up for a little bit, but I'm not posting to it anymore, so update your links and I'll see you around.