Sky Blue Sky

January 9, 2012 - 5:17pm -- swingbug

A lot of blue skies around here. Bluer than they ought to be.

Not all my readers are from California so let me explain. It doesn't rain here in the summer. Really. You know those picture books we all had when we were kids? Wind-blown leaves for fall, snow for winter, rain for spring, and sun for summer? Those are about California. I was nearly grown when I found out there is actually a thing called a summer rain storm in other places. With thunder even. Weird.

So all the precipitation that we get in California comes this time of year. We squirrel it away in reservoirs so we can later use it to drink and wash and grow tomatoes. And so far? It's not looking good.

My ski-loving buddies are pissed. The only thing that's saved Mother Nature a serious talking to in our house is that the Niners made the play-offs so there's something worth hanging around for on the weekend. The resorts up at Tahoe are making their own snow in industrialized versions of the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine. Works about that well, too.

Meanwhile, my somewhat-trusty weather app predicts yet another seven days of sky blue skies.

I got turned on to a knitting forum of Conceptual Knitters on Ravelry. The current project is called the Blue Sky Scarf. The idea is that you pick out yarn the color of the daytime sky for that day, and knit one row. At the end of a year, you have scarf that reflects a year in the life of you. Or at least your little piece of the stratosphere. I'm modifying the concept. I'm knitting in the color of the sky on the county road on my way home every night from work.

Here's to hoping there are few gray soggy stripes of yarn on our horizon.

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Interesting project, does one know how many/which blue yarns to have on hand? I like your version! Oh, and today's sky does have some little white clouds drifting across it...