Recital Pics

June 30, 2009 - 4:46pm -- swingbug

Some pictures from the last dance recital. Creepy, scary Marilyn Manson piece pictured above and below.

And that Marilyn Manson piece? It didn’t just look scary. It had actual carnage. Here’s what’s left of my shoes. May they rest in pieces.

And here’s the sweet little Scottish folk dancey kind of piece.

Thank you to my husband for taking awesome pictures and for catching one where I’m off the ground and my foot’s actually pointed. We got the video this week too, but I haven’t watched it yet. I’m feeling pretty good about the pictures. Maybe I’ll leave the disc in the sleeve and continue to feel good about it. A picture says a thousand words, but usually the video says a thousand words I don’t want to hear...

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