Do You Like My Hat?

November 16, 2008 - 10:16am -- swingbug

Now that the election is done and over with, I think it's time to talk about some really important issues... like yarn.

So I accidentally cast on for a hat the other day. How does one accidentally cast on for a hat? you might ask. I assure you it can happen. I was trying to help my sister with a confusing bit in a pattern. The directions weren't making sense to my eyes, so I decided to grab a ball of yarn and give my fingers a go at it. It made more sense to them. A lot of sense to them. In fact, they declared it fun. Before I knew it I had accidentally knit a hat.

So here's my Accidental Hat. It came out baby-sized and Luke is no longer baby-sized. In fact, his noggin circumference has always been a bit ahead of the curve.

I didn't mean to make it, but I'm quite fond of it nonetheless, which got me thinking. Since it's an accidental hat, I should wait for one of my friends to accidentally get pregnant and then gift the hat to the accidental baby. Then I slapped myself across the face that asked myself how much temptation I expected Fate to resist with an accidental baby hat lying around my house. Oh no. I'm giving this thing away pronto. The first baby I see. In the grocery store, in the park, I don't care. Excuse me while I go knock on every piece of wood in the house.

Anybody want a hat?

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