Peppermint Patties

February 28, 2006 - 12:00am -- swingbug

Does anyone remember that peppermint patty commercial that ran when we were kids? There was a guy and his wife sitting on the couch and he began describing how when he bit into a peppermint patty he felt like he was skiing. And then he gets up and demonstrates how it feels, pretending to be an Olympic ski jumper on his coffee table while his wife looks at him like he's nuts. Does anyone remember this?

I love peppermint patties. I put them in my pockets when I go skiing. The little ones from the bulk bin at the co-op. I like to eat them on the ski lifts. I don't know why they go with skiing, but they do. Maybe it's because they're snowy white on the inside. Maybe it's because of that silly commercial.

Peppermint Patty is even my favorite Peanuts character (at least among the human characters). This surprises a lot of people. But how can you not love her?

I love mint in general. If I were an herb, I'd be mint. I'd be cool and refreshing, hanging out under the rose bushes and sending my little tendrils off in search of sunshine, like a good stretch after a nap. I'd definitely be mint. Maybe Moroccan mint. That's a good one. A little bite, but not overstated. Just cool and green and leafy. That's good way to be.