Ready or Not

March 9, 2005 - 12:00am -- swingbug

I'm charging forth with my publication idea. I received a burst of confidence from wherever those creative cosmic forces flow from, so my optimism sent a nod to my muse and my self-doubt cast her concerned look, and we're off on our adventure, the three of us. Ready or not, here we come.

I'm attempting to gather together a team of editors to read submissions. I'm bribing literary friends and acquaintances with dinner at a local pizza parlor to come hear me out and hopefully climb into the rowboat with me. We'll paddle upstream and see where we end up.

My next step is to come up with a name for the publication so when I set out to talk to bookstores and print shops, I've got a business card I can hand them. I'm thinking I want something that emphasizes openness, freedom. Something that says, "You can do this; send something in." The current idea I'm kicking around is "Open Window." What do you think?

Here I go, down the yellow brick road...

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